A Remarkable Tribute: Ichthyosaur Fossil Unearthed in Nevada Commemorates Founding Brewer’s Legacy

In a remarkable convergence of paleontology and brewing, the discovery of a prehistoric giant has taken an intriguing turn. A species of ichthyosaur, a creature that once dominated Earth’s oceans in the Triassic period, has been named Cymbospondylus youngorum after Tom and Bonda Young, founders of the Great Basin Brewing Company.

The Ichthyosaur IPA, introduced in 1993, initially paid homage to the extinct marine reptile, and now, the ichthyosaur itself bears the Youngs’ name.

This fascinating connection between a prehistoric giant and a contemporary brewery has unfolded in Nevada, where the fossil was unearthed about 120 miles east of Reno. Tom Young, a former geologist turned brewer, merged his passion for fossils with his craft beer venture. The ichthyosaur, a leviathan that predates dinosaurs, lived in what is now Nevada when the region was submerged under an ancient ocean.

The story began when a German team, in search of fossils, discovered the Ichthyosaur IPA made by Great Basin Brewing Company. This led them to the Youngs, and in 2011, the team uncovered an ichthyosaur fossil in Nevada.

The Youngs, with their geological background, supported the excavation process through donations, food, and beer. The ѕkᴜɩɩ of the 55-foot fossil was transported to Los Angeles in a Great Basin beer truck.

The fossil, identified as Cymbospondylus youngorum, was found in the Augusta Mountains outside Winnemucca. Dr. Martin Sander, a paleontologist, led the excavation, revealing a well-preserved ѕkᴜɩɩ, forelimbs, and chest region dating back to the Middle Triassic, around 247.2-237 million years ago.

This ichthyosaur, reaching a length of 55.78 feet, represents the largest animal discovered from that time period.

The connection between the fossil and the brewery deepened when the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles named the species after Tom and Bonda Young in December. Replicas of the specimen have been displayed at Great Basin Brewing Company’s locations in Sparks and Reno.

The saga of the Ichthyosaur IPA has evolved into a tangible link between modern craft brewing and ancient marine life, highlighting the unexpected intersections of science, paleontology, and local business.

Tom Young expressed his delight at seeing the scientific achievement brought to a broader audience through the brewery’s connection with the fossil. The discovery adds to the scientific understanding of ichthyosaurs, showcasing the rich geological history of Nevada and emphasizing the ongoing exploration of the region for more hidden treasures.


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