Jurassic Depths Unveil Enigmatic Creature: Glowing Fish with Vampire Teeth Surfaces as a Mesmerizing Discovery

In a remarkable discovery, paleontologists have unveiled a new genus and species of vampyromorph coleoid from the Middle Jurassic La Voulte-sur-Rhône Lagerstätte in France.

This newly identified vampyromorph species, named Vampyrofugiens atramentum, provides unique insights into the ancient cephalopod order Vampyromorphida, which includes the living species Vampyroteuthis infernalis, commonly known as the vampire squid.

Living during the Middle Jurassic period around 165 million years ago, Vampyrofugiens atramentum had distinct features, including an ink sac, two internal light organs, Vampyroteuthis-like sucker attachments, and an arm configuration and musculature resembling octopuses.

The combination of an ink sac and internal luminous organs is notable, representing a characteristic seen in recent times but not previously identified in the fossil record of coleoids, which include octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish.

The fossilized remains of Vampyrofugiens atramentum were found in the La Voulte-sur-Rhône locality in Ardèche, France, initially assigned to a known species, Vampyronassa rhodanica.

High-resolution X-ray-based imaging and reflectance transformation imaging were instrumental in examining the fossil and revealing its unique characteristics.

This discovery enhances our understanding of coleoid diversity during the Middle Jurassic, showcasing a high diversity of cephalopods occupying distinct communities.

Vampyrofugiens atramentum’s mosaic of features suggests a pelagic lifestyle with both predatory and defensive strategies, employing concealment and bioluminescence as tools for evasion and communication.

The intricate details preserved in this Jurassic vampyromorph highlight the fascinating evolution and adaptations of ancient cephalopods.


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