Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes has nothing but praise for his teammate, Travis Kelce, and it’s clear that the tight end’s rise to fame, including his high-profile romance with pop sensation Taylor Swift, hasn’t changed him one bit. Speaking to reporters, Mahomes described Kelce as “just being himself the whole time,” proving that despite his growing celebrity status, the fun-loving, down-to-earth Kelce fans know and love has remained unchanged.
Mahomes, who has shared the field with Kelce for years, explained that even with the spotlight now shining brighter than ever on his friend, Kelce continues to treat everyone around him with the same warmth and respect. “He still will walk through the stadium and treat every single person like they’re his best friend,” Mahomes said, adding that Kelce brings the same energy to the locker room every day.
This humility and grounded nature are especially noticeable considering Kelce’s current fame. Between hosting Saturday Night Live in March 2023, his ongoing relationship with Taylor Swift, and all the attention that comes with being a key figure in the NFL, Kelce has become a household name. Yet Mahomes insists that despite the glitz and glam of celebrity life, Kelce remains true to his roots. “Travis has always been Travis,” Mahomes shared, highlighting that his teammate hasn’t let fame get to his head.

In fact, Mahomes was especially happy for Kelce when he got the chance to host SNL, a long-time dream of the star tight end. According to Mahomes, Kelce had been a fan of the show for years, quoting classic SNL sketches in the locker room and even introducing Mahomes to bits from the past that Mahomes didn’t quite understand due to their age gap. “He was telling me the ones from before I was even born,” Mahomes laughed, adding that Kelce could easily transition into other endeavors, like more TV appearances, after his football career.
The Swift Connection: Mahomes Supports Kelce’s Relationship with Taylor Swift
Mahomes has also shown his support for Kelce’s romance with Taylor Swift, which has sent fans and media outlets into a frenzy. He reflected on how the team initially gave Kelce space when he first started dating Swift. “Everybody stayed away, just let [Kelce] do what he was doing,” Mahomes said. But as time went on, Mahomes got to know Swift better and began to appreciate her as a person. “He realized how cool of a person she was, and she is, and so for us, there were a couple of jokes here and there at the beginning,” Mahomes admitted, acknowledging the light-hearted banter that comes with the territory.
Despite the jokes, Mahomes was quick to point out how genuinely happy he is for his friend. With both Kelce and Swift finding success in their respective careers, Mahomes emphasized that it’s clear the couple brings each other joy and that the relationship has been a positive experience for Kelce, something he truly deserves.
Through it all, Mahomes has stayed loyal to his friend, showing admiration for Kelce’s ability to remain grounded and focused on what truly matters. As Kelce continues to make waves both on and off the field, it’s evident that his authenticity, paired with his incredible talent, is what truly defines him—whether he’s playing football, hosting SNL, or navigating a relationship with one of the world’s biggest pop stars.