A Heartbreaking Tale: A Puppy Trapped in Industrial Glue, Tormented by Heartless Children

Heartbreaking images of Pascal, a young puppy who was subjected to a horrific incident in Turkey, reveal his terrifying state after being coated in industrial glue and pulled through the mud by cruel children.

Pascal is thought to be just four months old and the distressing pictures illustrate the extent of his suffering.

It is suspected that the puppy, who is thought to be around four months old, is experiencing severe fear and health issues, making it difficult for him to move and leaving him helpless at times, resembling a rigor mortis.

Sadly, Pascal suffered so much abuse that he lost his hearing in one ear. The puppy was found in an industrial estate located in Istanbul, Turkey, and is now receiving care from the H’Art of Rescue charity. Despite being in terrible conditions, his spirits remained high.

The kids had subjected Pascal to an excessive amount of glue, which had hardened like cement and caused one of the puppy’s ears to block from the lack of blood flow. The glue was laden with strange chemicals that caused severe damage to his skin, and his hair had to undergo several medical baths to help him heal.

However, in a span of less than a month since his rescue, Pascal has made an impressive recovery and is now unrecognizable. He had suffered from excessive earwax which was also a purveyor of the glue to the ear but now there is optimism that he will soon find a new home with a caring owner.

Other medical facilities may have given up on Pascal, but H’Art of Rescue is devoted to helping him recover before placing him in a new home.

The medical team and volunteers at H’Art of Rescue are working tirelessly to nurse and understand the necessary care and attention to bring Pascal back to health. Thanks to their love and dedication, Pascal has learned to gain an upper hand over his past traumas.

After being infected with the virus, Pascal’s behavior was also a puzzle for the homely puppy. During his recovery, he even made a friend who was also a puppy.

The only thing in frequent during recovery was to find a forever home for the loving yet traumatised puppy. In March, the organisation shared news of Pascal, who was now unrecognizable due to a thick, fluffy, and shiny new fur.


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