Two compassionate young boys, living on the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and feeling scared and alone, were taken in by Buddhist nuns. Their heartwarming tale is gaining traction on social media.
A poignant photo captures the boys caring for a puppy at a sanctuary within the temple, cradling their furry friend in their arms.
In another image, the dog is depicted seated in a pose reminiscent of a revered Buddhist figure, meditating serenely alongside its human companions.
These two dogs were rescued and brought to a temple in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, after being abandoned on the streets, where they were given a new lease on life. Many individuals shared their sentiments about the pair on the social media platform Weibo.
The monks at the temple suggested that the dogs mimic the meditation poses of the nuns. Some individuals criticized the irresponsible previous owners for deserting the puppies. One person expressed remorse, questioning the thoughtlessness of such actions. They believed that those who are unable to provide proper care should not take on the responsibility of owning pets.