Nature’s Transient Art: The Eternal Cycle of Beauty at Sandymere Beach

“Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:11-12)

Made at Sandymere beach, Devon, UK  20/12/22 . Made from pebbles, seashells, seaweed, driftwood collected on local beach.

People very often are asking to us: “Are you not upset your hard work is being washed away?” Or ,”How do you feel, seeing your work being destroyed by the waves? We answer: “ There is nothing we can do against the power of the sea and the nature!

Honestly, it’s a bit emotional and touching to watch how the waves approach and then in the one moment take our work away. But we accept as it is, it’s just a temporary, ephemeral and short- lived. Let it go! We create other one!

So precious, so beautiful, so much work put into it, and so rewarding to know that a whole World sees and loves your art, and yet, here comes the sea claiming it its own. Then you start all over again..

They are just magical! Each piece of art work is so beautiful and a unique tribute! Who wants to be stuck in a dusty wooden frame for years! Amazing art and amazing talent and definitely patience! Keep it going!!

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