Iпcredіble Metɑmᴏrphᴏsіs: 2-Yeɑr-Old Bᴏy Trɑпsfᴏrms іпtᴏ ɑ 70-Yeɑr-Old Mɑп

She looks old than her actual age.

People around here have been calling her grandma because of her old face.

This condition brought the ceremony between parents where the father thinks the wife might have cheated so as to produce such an old looking baby.

Although she is two years old, she does not eat, she does not see.

She does not see it.

She can only do two things.

One, crying the whole day until breastfeeding, saw us to stop crying.

Meet our two-year-old baby who shocked everyone.

It’s a long journey far away from cities, through this Long Maram road full of dust due to the dry season in this thinly populated village that leaves a youngest baby who looks like the oldest person.

Valentin is the mother to this baby due to the way people have always came to troll and bully her.

Due to the baby’s condition, whenever she sees people coming towards her or her house, she runs away from these people because they do not go to her but spoiling the mood.

That’s why, when she saw us, she tried running away, but we had to explain that we are not bad people.

She says her baby was born different, starting from the day she gave birth.

It was a difficult day.

She delivered via a cesarean section.

The baby was born with breathing difficulties.

The doctors had to quickly make a follow-up on her and this mother had to spend three months at the hospital.

Doctors told the mother that her baby was born with plagiaria.

Progeria is caused by an abnormal protein in the lmna gene, which interferes with the production of lamin A, a protein that stabilizes a cell’s nucleus.

This disruption causes children with progeria to age up to 10 times faster than normal.

This woman’s husband saw the baby and was somehow shocked.

He wondered what on earth could cause such an unusual case, and some of his family members had to tell the man that this one cannot be his baby, that the wife must have cheated on him.

The husband started being violent on the woman, hence beating her every day and asking her the origin of the baby.

The man later believed that this one cannot be his baby.

He listened to what people, mostly family members, said and thought the woman cheated on him.

Here everything was getting worse to the mother said.

After too much harassment, this mother could not resist longer, but chose to go away from the husband, who was no longer caring.

She went far from where they lived and she was not permitted to take other children.

Since she had produced three children, she only took this last born.

She says life is very difficult and the baby makes it more difficult because the baby is always sick and crying and the mother struggles with affording the medicine to this little baby.

She says before she took the decision of going away from the husband they already had some misunderstandings but could settle them before the situation gets worse.

But this time there were no proper solution to that baby’s health condition.

The husband kept blaming the wife and this brought kind of emotional trauma to this mama and she could not keep living under daily abuse and harassment but go away so as to have peace of mind.

She’s worried because her baby is now past two years but still cannot eat anything.

She has breathing issues that gives her very little oxygen and since the baby cannot eat, the mother has to eat and make sure she takes a balanced diet so as to breastfeed her baby.

The baby can only be breastfed.

She says her baby’s throat may be having difficulties because she can’t swallow anything.

She says she’s afraid because her baby does not grow.

The baby has not improved anything ever since it was born and the mother is afraid the baby cannot even see or even crawl as other babies.

The baby cannot even try sitting, one cannot even make her see it.

And the mother is more worried about the future of this baby who only looks old but never grows.

This little baby only does two things: one, crying the whole night and day.

Two, breastfeeding so as to stop crying.

The mother is worried and says maybe there might be something else behind the baby’s all-time crying.

She thinks this urging condition might be the one making the baby’s life uncomfortable.

Um, due to producing a baby with all these health issues, she’s always visited by people who cannot motivate or even encourage her, but discourage bully and make fun of her.

Yet there is nothing funny with the baby girl.

This is the reason why, when someone comes, she’s doubtful.

She just runs away and goes inside the house to hide the baby.

She says her baby can only feed on milk, but since they don’t have milk, it’s more costly to them and they can’t afford her daily milk.

All they do here is pig keeping, and these pigs always wake the baby up due to the noise.

But that’s okay.

These pigs are also important since they provide manure and can even serve as a meat during parties or festives.

Since she left other two children away with the father.

Sometimes she misses them and takes a long journey so as to see them and know whether they’re doing well.

But since they warned her not to return here, she has to hide herself but make sure she sees her two children.

When this happens, she breaks down into tears but has to go back home, since there is nothing she can change about this.

It’s been a long time without people coming, sitting and listening to her carefully.

To her, this is even enough.

It would reduce her trauma if people came every day and were attentive and show some love and respect.

This is all she needs.

She’s very happy that we visited her today and since she spends most of her days here taking care of this little baby, she has no job.

She says providing for herself is a problem she can’t solve and the baby needs milk and baby’s meal is so costly.

So she’s asking for help.

She needs food, she needs clothes, she needs allow to survive and together we can do something for this woman whose baby is aging too fast.

You can help this woman by contributing on the Gofundme campaigns link found in description and pinned in top comments.

Never let a bad situation bring out the worst in you choose to stay positive and be the strong person that God created you to be.

Sometimes, when you are in a dark place, you think you have been buried, but actually you have been planted.

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