Trailer:In Operation Fortune (2025), the stakes are sky-high as super-spy Orson Fortune (Jason Statham) is pulled into a mission unlike any other. A dangerous new weapon, capable of plunging the world into chaos, has fallen into the wrong hands. To retrieve it, Orson is forced to team up with an elite crew of specialists, each bringing their unique skill set to the table.
But this isn’t your standard mission—this time, the team’s secret weapon is Hollywood megastar Danny Francesco (Josh Hartnett), an unwitting pawn recruited to infiltrate the dangerous world of the international arms trade. The operation takes Fortune and his team on a high-octane chase across exotic locales, from bustling metropolises to remote, treacherous landscapes. Every step of the way, they face ruthless adversaries who will stop at nothing to protect their secrets.
But Orson, with his quick wit, deadly precision, and penchant for outsmarting his foes, always stays one step ahead—or so it seems. As the team inches closer to their target, alliances are tested, secrets unravel, and the mission becomes a pulse-pounding race against time. In classic Guy Ritchie fashion, Operation Fortune blends razor-sharp dialogue, explosive action, and unexpected humor into a thrilling cinematic ride.
Packed with twists, daring stunts, and a dose of glamour, Operation Fortune (2025) is a spy caper that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, asking one question: when the stakes are this high, who can you really trust?