An Australian fisherman was extremely surprised when he discovered a large creature shaped exactly like a strange alien object floating off the coast of Bunbury.
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Fisherman Mark Watkins said that when he first saw the strange ball-shaped object on the coast of Bunbury, southwest Australia, he thought it could be a boat or a ball. However, when he got closer, the stench emanating from the strange creature helped him realize that it was actually a dead whale.

Australia: Fishermen were stunned when they discovered a monster floating on the sea surface – Photo 1.
The strange creature is shaped like a sphere.
Although it has not been determined exactly what type of fish this is, from the structure of the abdomen, many people believe that it is most likely a humpback whale.
In fact, handling decomposing whale carcasses often faces many difficulties because when strongly impacted by humans, it may explode like a balloon, from there, internal organs will shoot straight out and emitted a terrifying stench.

Australia: Fishermen were stunned when they discovered a monster floating on the sea surface – Photo 2.
Many people speculate that this may be the body of a humpback whale.
In recent years, whale strandings and deaths have become a concern for many countries around the world. In 2014, a large number of blue whales died and washed up on the shores of countries around the world. In the event of a stranded whale, the best option for disposing of the carcass is to bury it and let it decompose.

Australia: Fishermen were stunned when they discovered a monster floating on the sea surface – Photo 3.
Australian fishermen discovered this whale’s body.
However, in the case that fisherman Watkins discovered above, scientists said it should be left to decompose on its own because puncturing or cutting up the body of this creature will be very difficult. It’s better to let it deflate on its own and sink to the bottom of the ocean. This will be considered a rich food source for microorganisms living on the seabed.